Real time
The Real time section represent probably the most important set of panels for our users. Here you can see what is happening in real time on your website and analyze your users behavior during the day. Realtime section is divided in 5 different subsections:
In this section you can see an overview of the Real time Analytics. On the top you have 3 different sections:
1) In the first one is shown the number of the Active Users in the last 5 minutes with a bar below which indicates the percentage of the source devices.
2) In the second box you have a chart with the information about Active Users in the last 30 minutes
3) In the third section you can see the Active users in the last minute.
Below you have 3 different tables where you can see the Main active pages with the respective active users for each page. In this table if you click on the page link you will be redirected to the specific page table which shows the Active Sources for the specific page. Then you have the Main Referral table: if you click on an entry, you will see all the Active pages for that specific source. The last one is the Social network traffic table which shows the incoming traffic from social networks.
This section focuses on the active pages and shows you Active Users and Traffic Percentages for each page. On the top right of the table you can search for a specific page and (like in Realtime/Overview) if you click on a specific page you will see the active sources for it.
Here you can see all the active sources with more information about the Medium and the respective Percentage. you click on a specific source you will be redirected to the content page for that specific source.
Here you can see all the events that are being triggered by your users in Real time
This panel is very important since it allows you to monitor the trend during the day. You can see with a granularity of 1 minute all the active users in that specific moment of the current day and also compare this trend to yesterday or another day that you can pick.